Cristina Onete
About me

- Current position:
Assistant Professor (MCF) at IUT du Limousin/ University of Limoges/XLIM, in team Cryptis, Limoges, France. - Current and past projects:
The ANR MobiS5 project (scientific coordinator) (see my poster on MobiS5 at RESSI 2020 here
The ANR SafeTLS project
Inria CAPPRIS (2014-2016)
ANR LYRICS (2013-2015)
- Current and past Ph.D. students:
- 2021--present: Thibaut Jacques (co-supervision with Philippe Gaborit -XLIM- and Ghada Arfaoui and Marc Lacoste -Orange): Protocoles d'attestation dans des environnements dynamiques
- 2019--present: Léo Robert (co-supervision with Pascal Lafourcade -LIMOS- and Olivier Blazy -XLIM): Design and Verification of Security Protocols for Heteregeneous 5G IoT Devices
- 2017--2022: Adina Nedelcu (co-supervision with Piere-Alain Fouque -- UR1 and Gilles Macario-Rat and Ghada Arfaoui -- Orange): The security of protocols in 5G communications
- 2017--2020: Angèle Bossuat (co-supervision with Pierre-Alain Fouque -- UR1): The long-term security and privacy of real-world secure-channel establishment protocols
- 2015--2017: Benjamin Richard (co-supervision with Pierre-Alain Fouque--UR1-- and Gilles Macario-Rat--Orange): A study of proxied authenticated key-exchange protocols
- 2014--2017: Antoine Guellier (co-supervision with Christophe Bidan and Nicolas Prigent--CentraleSupélec): Applying homomorphic cryptography to protect users privacy in information systems.
- Important reads:
Phil Rogaway's essay on The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work
- PGP:
Public key
Copyright © 2012–2018 — Cristina Onete